Kiwi Lane welcomes designers who would like to incorporate our Copyrighted Material in their own handmade craftwork and other projects that they produce to sell. Kiwi Lane hereby grants limited permission to private individuals to incorporate Copyright Material into Finished Products that may be offered and sold to others.
Any person who uses Kiwi Lane Copyrighted Material agrees to comply with and be bound by the terms and conditions below.
Terms & Conditions
- You may not copy, reproduce or in any other manner duplicate the Copyright Material or Content, except as authorized in this Angel Policy.
- No traced or Individually Cut Items may be sold to others. Traced or Individually Cut Items are items made directly by or with the use of Copyrighted Material or Kiwi Lane products, and sold individually, or in a kit, rather than being used as an element of a finished handmade project. Kiwi Lane reserves the right to decide whether an item for sale will be considered an “Traced, or Individually Cut Item”, and as such be subject to this clause of the Angel Policy. If you have questions about whether an item falls within the scope of this clause, please contact us for clarification.
- Copyrighted Material may not be altered in any manner, including any copyright notices, or the like, attached or connected to the Copyrighted Material by Kiwi Lane. Any such alteration will be considered an infringement of copyright. Kiwi Lane expressly reserves all moral rights in its Copyrighted Material.
- Handmade craftwork created for sale must be personally and individually created by the selling designer and may not be reproduced or copied in any form by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying. Mass production, assembly line construction, production by workers for hire, or syndication of craftwork for sale is strictly prohibited. Digitally created projects intended for sale must be personally created by the selling designer.
- Each Finished Product that incorporates any Kiwi Lane Copyrighted Material must be conspicuously marked with the notice “Includes Copyrighted Material of Kiwi Lane.” In a reasonable size and location on such items, or on tags or labels for such items.
- The seller may indicate that the supplies used are from Kiwi Lane, but the Kiwi Lane name, logo, or trademarks may not be used in any location where personal craftwork items are sold, nor may they be used in any manner that states, suggests or implies an endorsement or sponsorship by Kiwi Lane for the sole purpose of promoting the sale of handmade or digitally created projects.
- Completed, handmade or digitally created projects may be sold at competitive and noncompetitive permanent retail locations, as well as temporary craft events, community fundraisers, and over the Internet. In selling handmade or digitally created projects, the seller must make it clear that the items are handmade or personally created by the seller, and not a product of the company.
- Use of Kiwi Lane Copyrighted Material for the purpose of creating logos or company trademarks, trade names, trade dress, labels, tags or packaging is strictly prohibited.
- Digital files of any type containing Kiwi Lane Copyrighted Materials may not be sold
under any condition. - Persons creating finished products or digitally created items for sale are responsible for complying with any and all applicable federal, state and local business and tax regulations.
- Persons participating in this angel policy assume all liability for suitability of their work and agree to indemnify and hold harmless Kiwi Lane from disputes arising as a result of the sale, offer for sale and/or distribution of their items.
- Kiwi Lane is an Idaho corporation. The laws of the State of Idaho govern this Angel Policy. The state and federal courts of Idaho will have exclusive jurisdiction over any proceeding arising from this policy. Any person who makes and sells Finished Products under this Angel Policy expressly agrees to be subject to the exclusive personal jurisdiction of the courts of the State of Idaho. Any failure by Kiwi Lane to enforce any of its rights will not constitute a waiver of such rights.
Kiwi Lane shall have the right to modify and/or terminate the limited permission granted in this Angel Policy for any reason and at any time, in its sole discretion. Kiwi Lane may post such modifications or terminations on this website, notify affected persons in writing, or both. Any modification or termination posted on this website shall be deemed effective and binding upon all parties five (5) business days after posting. Any modification or termination that is separately given in writing (including by email) to any person, shall be deemed effective and binding upon that person immediately upon receipt. Upon termination, all copying, sales, distribution, advertising and marketing of any of craft items incorporating Copyrighted Material shall immediately cease.
For more information about using Kiwi Lane Copyrighted Material, or if you have any questions regarding this Angel Policy, please contact us at